Healing the Whole Person

Fall Series: Healing the Whole Person

We are offering Healing the Whole Person series again this fall! If you missed the last one or want to go through it again, join us for this 8-week series with engaging video content from the John Paul II Healing Center. This material teaches on the human heart, the wounds of life, and the healing the Lord desires to bring us. Dr. Bob Schuchts and Sr. Miriam James Heidland present these powerful teachings and lead us to reflect on and pray into our own stories and to receive the healing love of Christ in them. 

This series will run on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 - 9:00 PM starting on October 1st and ending on November 19th.

Register HERE by September 22nd.

We are only accepting registrations from parishioners in our parish grouping (St. John the Baptist, Christ the King, and St. Joseph). Please feel free to contact Mariano Sastre with any questions at disciples@ypsicatholic.org.